Pretzsch was first mentioned in 981 in a document of Emperor Otto II. The town can therefore look back on over 1000 years of history. The town and castle are located on the western bank of the Elbe, surrounded by flood defence dykes. Rare water birds find numerous nesting sites here in the industrialised area. The extensive Elbe floodplains and the neighbouring, unspoilt Dübener Heide nature park characterise the landscape around Pretzsch. The view from the Gier ferry across the Elbe to the plateau of the Düben Heath is particularly attractive. The ‘Lausiger Teiche’ nature recreation centre is located on the edge of the Düben Heath, approx. 4 km along a hiking trail, surrounded by a nature and landscape conservation area. These ponds were created a long time ago as artificial fish farms. The popular fishing festival takes place every year in autumn.
In Pretzsch it is possible to cross the Elbe with the yaw rope ferry to Mauken.
