Follow the Vltava to the golden city
Prag City Tourism, Richard Horak
Section S* approx. 80 km from Mělník to Lázně Toušeň
Anyone visiting the Czech stretch of the Elbe should plan in a trip to the golden city. Enjoy the ambience in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Prague was built on the Vltava, and fits seamlessly into a holiday along the Elberadweg, as the Vltava flows into the Elbe at Mělník. You can take the alternative Vltava route towards Prague from here. From Prague, you can simply peddle down the EuroVelo 4 route via the spa town of Lázně Toušeň back towards the Elbe and continue your journey.
- Mělník is the centre of the Bohemian wine trade.
- Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and well worth a visit at any time of year.
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